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Corporate Governance

Find information about the Guild's governance structure including the National Council, National Secretariat and branch committees.

Executive Team

Executive Team

National Secretariat operations focus on the following areas: Pharmacy Viability; Pharmacy Transformation; Engagement and Advocacy; and Corporate Governance and Services.

National Council

National Council

The National Council is the supreme governing body of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. It lays down all Guild policies, decides major issues and has the power to amend the Constitution, subject to referendum where required.

Branch Committees

Branch Committees

Details of the Guild's Branch Presidents and Committee Members.

Annual Report

Annual Report

Read the Guild's latest Annual Report

Standards Development and Accreditation Committee

Standards Development and Accreditation Committee

The Pharmacy Guild is an accredited Standards Development Organisation through the Standards Development and Accreditation Committee (SDAC)

Structure of the Guild

Structure of the Guild

View the Guild corporate structure

Alteration to the Constitution

A notice was lodged with the Fair Work Commission on 24 October 2024 setting out the particulars of alterations to the Rules of The Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

The purpose of these rule alterations is to remove the prescribed membership application forms and allow National Council to determine the format of these forms. This change will also enable the completion of membership applications online, electronically or by paper.

Page last updated on: 30 March 2023