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Framework for Change

The Guild’s Framework for Change is a future-oriented roadmap for all Australian community pharmacies. Within a shifting regulatory and market environment, its aim is to provide the framework for community pharmacies to adapt and grow.

Our vision is for community pharmacy to serve the needs and preferences of patients and consumers through a vibrant, dynamic and commercially viable community pharmacy network.  The Framework for Change exists to support this vision over time.



Read the Framework for Change


This framework grew out of a major research project known as CP2025, which was undertaken by the Guild in 2017-2018. CP2025 sought to understand the factors impacting the sector and develop a vision that would uplift community pharmacy’s role as an integral part of Australia’s healthcare system into the future.

CP2025’s consultations sought responses from pharmacy owners, their staff and patients, and industry stakeholders. The project sought to determine the various factors impacting community pharmacies and how those impacts may affect its success. The factors identified formed the basis for developing the nine growth pathways presented in the Framework for Change.

See the Framework

Each year, the Guild undertakes three surveys — one of consumers and two of our member pharmacies. The purpose of the consumer survey is to understand the behaviours, trends, perceptions and preferences influencing patients and the market in which pharmacy businesses operate. Member surveys seek to measure members’ transformation against the Framework for Change pathways.  Additional information is sought about pharmacy owners’ perceptions of change, their understanding of what matters to consumers, and other factors relevant at the time.

Guild members can stay up to date on the Framework for Change research results page. Anyone can follow results on Guild social media, and by subscribing to Forefront.

See Research



Nine growth pathways that pave the way for pharmacies’ future success.

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Page last updated on: 27 April 2023