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Quality Policy

The purpose of the Quality Policy is to ensure that a framework is developed and maintained for Quality Accreditation purposes at the National Secretariat of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

The Guild is committed to overseeing and implementing practices that meet its business needs and the requirements of all relevant standards and quality management systems, such as:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO /IEC 17065: 2012

This policy covers the implementation and maintenance of the Quality Program, as well as any information produced for the oversight and as a result of the Quality Program and provides the overarching framework for the Quality Program at the Guild.


Download the Quality Policy

  • Application
  • Policy Foundation
  • Related Legislation and Procedural Documents
  • Responsibility


The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (the Guild) exists to service the needs of proprietors of independent community pharmacies. The National Secretariat of the Guild has made a commitment to develop policies and practices that enhance its capacity to achieve its mission. In so doing, the Guild is committed to the Quality Program (QP) that defines our policies, systems and practices.

The Guild will ensure the QP is subject to constant review and improvement. While based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, additional standards, as noted above, are built into the Guild’s internal audit plan. The overall Quality framework and program represents the needs of the Guild’s business practices and has been developed around the objective of representing the needs of independent community pharmacists, as well as complying with relevant standards.

The objects of the Guild are stated in the Guild’s Constitution and are encapsulated in Our Vision, Our Mission and the Focus Areas, Outcomes and Measures set out in the Guild’s Strategic Plan. The mechanisms to administer and give effect to these objects are supported and achieved through the Guild’s QP.

The Focus Areas of the Guild’s Strategic Plan will achieve the Guild’s Mission and Quality Objectives through:

  • Ongoing advocacy
  • Continuous improvement
  • Best practice innovation
  • Enduring business solutions
  • Stable industrial relations framework

Policy Foundation

Related Legislation and Procedural Documents


Page last updated on: 19 September 2023