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Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility means conducting our business so that we meet financial, social and environmental responsibilities in an aligned way.

At its core, it is simply about having a set of common values and behaviours that underpin our everyday activities that incorporate transparency, fairness and integrity in all stakeholder engagement, the treatment of our people, our attitudes to and treatment of our members, and our links into the community.

Member service

Delivering member value is integral to the Guild’s commitment to achieving service levels that meet the expectations of our members. Nationally, the Guild has developed this website to connect members to membership resources. Members also have access to a Guild Branch in every State and Territory to provide localised services to members. Member research is undertaken periodically to measure levels of member satisfaction of Guild support and member benefits.

Working with stakeholders

The Guild values strong relationships with other health representative groups and other key stakeholders. These relationships are maintained and based on reciprocity and respect contributed by all parties.

The Guild continues to provide marketing and communications support to a number of key stakeholders through Guild publications, media releases and social media channels to assist in raising awareness of key issues and opportunities for community pharmacies.

Working with Governments

The Guild works constructively with Governments at the Federal and State and Territory levels in Australia in its advocacy role as the peak representative group for community pharmacy in Australia.

The Pharmacy Guild actively takes part and contributes to the policy debate and Parliamentary processes related to community pharmacy and the Australian health system as well as broader areas affecting the viability of the pharmacy network in Australia.

  • Federal Government and Community Pharmacy Agreements
  • State and Territory Governments

Federal Government and Community Pharmacy Agreements

The Pharmacy Guild and the Federal Government, through negotiated Community Pharmacy Agreements, work as strategic partners to achieve the shared values of better health and wellbeing of the Australian community through improved and cost-effective health outcomes for all Australians through the delivery of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) medicines and related services.

The Pharmacy Guild also administers professional programs on behalf of the Commonwealth Government, actively and transparently adhering to administrative, legal and privacy requirements of information of its members and the Commonwealth.

State and Territory Governments

Our employees

The Guild is committed to offering its staff a supportive, flexible, safe and rewarding work environment. The organisation operates under an agreed set of values and behaviours and a range of employee policies so employees understand their rights and obligations while working at the Guild.  Specific employee initiatives include an Employee Assistance Program that provides short-term counselling and support for all employees and immediate family members, and a structured performance framework that empowers employees to make a meaningful contribution to the organisation’s performance and growth.

Community engagement

The Guild is committed to supporting the Australian community. Our focus is to enhance community wellbeing by participating in worthwhile projects and causes at both a local and national level.

Nationally, the Guild dedicates itself to the problem of addiction in our community, specifically the problem of medication misuse.  The Guild’s community engagement program utilises Guild resources and expertise to engage and work with various organisations and consists of initiatives including:

  • Education modules for pharmacy assistants and pharmacists with a focus on awareness and prevention, early identification, referral pathways to other health professionals and other support, and assistance in rehabilitation (or harm minimisation)
  • Participation on Advisory Groups for life education
  • Training for pharmacists on use and administration of Naloxone
  • Short information videos and related flyers/information for general distribution on topics such as pain relief
  • Charity initiatives relating to medication misuse or addiction, and
  • Support for the Family Drug Support Day.

Additionally, the Guild has developed MedsASSIST which is a clinical decision support tool with a focus on patient care and patient pain management support pathways, designed to help pharmacists identify patients who are at risk of codeine dependence. It facilitates access to suitable referral pathways to support patients to better manage their pain and enhance health outcomes.

Supporting the initiatives of charitable organisations at the local community level is an important aspect of the Guild’s Social Responsibility Program.  Listed below is a non-exhaustive list of charities and initiatives supported.

  • National
  • Victoria
  • Queensland
  • Western Australia
  • South Australia
  • Northern Territory


  • St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
  • Cure Brain Cancer Foundation
  • Barnados Children’s Christmas Hamper Appeal



Western Australia

South Australia

Northern Territory

Environment and sustainability

The Guild recognises that the activities required to deliver our services have both a direct and indirect impact on our environment. To support our commitment to the environment, the Guild National Secretariat supports the following initiatives:

  • A unified communications system that reduces the need for business travel and use of paper.
  • Implementation of the ACT Smart Office program including recycling initiatives.
  • Strategies to reduce energy usage during and outside of core business hours.

Communicating with the community

The Guild actively communicates with the community including the Find a Pharmacy website that provides consumer information on how pharmacies can assist with various health conditions and where they are located. The Guild also communicates with the community through media (including social media channels) on community pharmacy matters.

Corporate Governance and business practices

The Guild fosters and promotes accountability, transparency, fairness and best practice in all our corporate governance and finance practices. Responsible corporate governance and ethical practices ensure the outcomes of the Guild’s Corporate Plan are reached through a combination of strategic risk management initiatives and compliance checks.


The Guild complies with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act. The Guild’s Privacy encapsulates how we communicate the personal information handling practices as an organisation. Read the Guild's Privacy Policy.

Page last updated on: 20 June 2023