SIRCIND002 - Support the supply of Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines

Who should do this course?

Any non-pharmacist staff who supply pharmacy medicines and assist the pharmacist to supply pharmacist only medicines.

Note: You must be working in a pharmacy to undertake this training.

Students can learn:

  • The role of a pharmacy assistant, including responsibilities and restrictions for handling Pharmacy and Pharmacist Only Medicines
  • Steps to identifying patient needs and providing advice, product recommendation, information and support under pharmacist supervision

Note: As part of the QCPP requirements all staff who supply pharmacy medicines and assist the pharmacist to supply pharmacist only medicines must receive training via a recognised and accredited course. The unit, SIRCIND002 - Support the supply of Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines meets this QCPP requirement.

How to enrol:

Complete the online enrolment form on https://guilded.guild.org.au/or contact our team and one of our friendly training specialists will contact you to discuss your training options.


Please contact Guild Training for pricing details.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning is available for all qualifications. The RPL process acknowledges the skills and competencies gained from work experience, prior training and life experiences.

For more information Contact Guild Training
Phone: (02) 9467 7130
Email: learning@nsw.guild.org.au

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Page last updated on: 08 December 2023