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SIRSS00012 - Community Pharmacy Dispensary Skill Set

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Who should do SIRSS00012 - Community Pharmacy Dispensary Skill Set?

Dispensary assistant's looking to further their knowledge and grow their dispensary skill set.

SIRSS00012 - Community Pharmacy Dispensary Skill Set provides you with the knowledge and understanding required to assist the pharmacist to prepare prescriptions and maintain records. The course identifies the responsibilities that must be undertaken when working in the dispensary and contributes to the dispensary assistant applying best practice procedures.

Course information:

The Pharmacy Board of Australia requires that pharmacists should ensure that dispensary assistants or dispensary technicians ‘undertake and complete a recognised training course that provides them with the skills and knowledge to, under the direct personal supervision of a pharmacist, assist in the selection, processing and labelling of prescription medicines’. Guild Training's SIRSS00012 - Community Pharmacy Dispensary Skill Set Course provides you with training that meets the Board’s requirements and equips them to provide the technical support needed.

This course aims to provide the knowledge and understanding required to assist the pharmacist in the dispensary. Units in SIRSS00012 - Community Pharmacy Dispensary Skill Set include:

  • SIRCIND002 - Support the supply of Pharmacy Medicines and Pharmacist Only Medicines
  • SIRCDIS001 - Assist customers with prescriptions
  • SIRCDIS003 - Assist in dispensing prescriptions
  • SIRCDIS006 - Maintain dispensary stock
  • SIRCDIS007 - Administer dispensary computer systems and claims
  • SIRCDIS004 - Assist in preparing dose administration aids

How to enrol:

Complete an expression of interest and one of our friendly training specialists will contact you to discuss your training options. Contact the NSW Branch on 02 9467 7130 to find out more!

For more information Contact Guild Training
Phone: (02) 9467 7130
Email: learning@nsw.guild.org.au
Learning Platform: https://guilded.guild.org.au

Page last updated on: 19 December 2023