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Quality Policy


The Guild’s primary purpose is to deliver compelling member value by:

  • Ensuring community pharmacy sustainability.
  • Providing innovative business solutions and support to our members.
  • Ensuring we have a conversation with our members.
  • Promoting and demonstrating the value of community pharmacy.
  • Being well governed and high preforming.


Support of members through various services provided to members; Support of functions needed in the provision of training as a Registered Training Organisation; Support of the development, management and administration of the Quality Care Pharmacy Program; Development of programs and health initiatives aimed at achieving better health outcomes for the community; and Assessment of health issues and the development and advocacy of policies that support the pharmacy industry aimed at achieving better health outcomes for the community; and Assessment of health issues and the development and advocacy of policies that support the pharmacy industry.


The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) exists to service the needs of proprietors of community pharmacies within NSW.  The Guild is committed to developing policies and practices that enhance its capacity to achieve its mission.  As such, the Guild is committed to the Quality Program that defines our policies and practices.  The Guild will ensure constant review and improvement of the Quality Program.  Its Quality Program will represent the needs of the Guild’s practices with a focus on representing the needs of its members.  The objectives of the Guild are encapsulated in the Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan, and the mechanisms to administer and give effect to these objectives are achieved through the Guild’s Constitution and Quality Program.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) commits to continual improvement of its processes and resources, in order to ensure Quality Objectives are met.


Branch Director

Authorisation and Endorsement of the Quality Program

Group Managers

Accept the reports of the Branch Director(the Quality Manager), periodic review of the Quality Program


Overall responsibility for the Quality Program

Ensure processes are developed, implemented and maintained within the Quality Program

Reports to the Branch Director on all matters relating to the functioning of the Quality Program

Team Leaders

Support the Quality Program by administering the Quality Policy

Implementation, maintenance and review of the Quality Program

Lead the Quality Program within their groups

Develop, update and maintain policies and procedures as required

Conduct internal audits

Identification of improvements

ICT Engineer

Maintain the technology to support the Guild Quality Program

Graphic Designer

Maintain current version of this Policy on Guild website

All staff

Understand and apply the Quality Policy

Supporting documents, procedures and forms

  • ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Strategic Plan 2016‐2019
  • Compliance Program
  • Continuous Improvement Register
  • Risk Register

Relevant Legislation

  • Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
Page last updated on: 28 January 2021