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NSW Guild District Structure

The Guild NSW Branch has now moved to a district structure, as allowed under the Rules of the Constitution, along with a reduction of committee size from 15 to 12 elected officials.

Your Branch Committee has reflected on member feedback and determined that this is the most appropriate way for our elected officials to represent NSW members, enable better communication and increase engagement. In the coming months the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), in order to initiate the 2020 nomination and election cycle, will send you information regarding how to nominate for a role on Branch Committee. The information will reflect the membership being divided into twelve districts and electing one representative from each of those districts. This does not affect tenure or representation of our current 15 elected officials.

The 12 districts have been divided according to Federal Electorate boundaries. Please see the list of district maps below:

For further information please contact the NSW Branch on 13GUILD (13 484 53) and speak to a member of the Membership or Governance team or email governance@nsw.guild.org.au.

Page last updated on: 13 July 2020