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NSW Ambulance - Voucher Scheme for Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Nicotine Dependence Prescription Medicine

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) administers a voucher scheme for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and prescribed nicotine dependence medicines in partnership with NSW Ambulance.

Background – NSW Ambulance

NSW Ambulance is an integral part of the NSW Health System delivering mobile health services and providing high quality clinical care, rescue and retrieval services to those people of NSW with emergency and medical health needs.

NSW Ambulance is offering their employees assistance to quit smoking by the provision of vouchers to access NRT and prescribed nicotine dependence medicines at NSW Community Pharmacies at no cost.

Voucher Details

Employees of NSW Ambulance may present with a voucher at a nearby pharmacy.

The voucher is to be for four weeks supply of a suitable NRT product as determined by the pharmacist or supply of prescribed nicotine dependence medicine.

Please note that the voucher can be redeemed for four weeks supply of patches, gum and spray formulations only (not inhaler).


  • NSW Ambulance employee presents voucher for either NRT or prescribed medicine with a valid prescription
  • Pharmacist to verify identity of NSW Ambulance employee
  • Pharmacist to complete first section of the voucher (Pharmacist Name, Pharmacist Signature, Date, Client Name, Client DOB) and client to sign
  • For prescribed medicines (Varenicline or Bupropion) pharmacist dispenses prescription and counsels patient on correct use
  • For NRT supply, the pharmacist is to assess level of client’s nicotine dependence and supply NRT for 4 weeks treatment and counsel on correct use of NRT and other “quit smoking” strategies. Note: Only patches, gum and spray are to be supplied under this program
  • Pharmacist to complete the relevant section for NRT Supply or Prescription Medicine
  • Pharmacist to complete payment details section of the voucher
  • Voucher to be either emailed to healthservices@nsw.guild.org.au or faxed to 02 9467 7151
  • EFT payment will be made by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch)

For enquiries relating to the voucher scheme, please contact the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) on (02) 9467 7100 or healthservices@nsw.guild.org.au.

Page last updated on: 15 June 2020