Member-pharmacy only

Recruitment & Retention

This page is about what resources are available to Pharmacies to assist with Recruitment and Retention of staff.

NTPHN can assist in advertising and vetting candidates for pharmacist roles in the Northern Territory. To request assistance, complete the agreement on the  Allied Health Vacancy Form, and then contact the Recruitment team.

Once an agreement has been submitted, the pharmacy will be eligible for grant supports for relocation and training, even if the selected pharmacists is not recruited via NTPHN.

NT PHN Recruitment & Retention Support Grants

Health Professional Relocation Grant

MM2 - Darwin and surrounds  - $3.5k

MM6 – Katherine for instance - $7k

MM7  - Gove/Nhulunbuy for instance - $10k

Grants and scholarships

The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) provides scholarships and bursaries to help health professionals in rural and remote Australia enhance and retain their skills, capacity and scope of practice. This is a payment of up to $10,000 within a period of 12 months for a scholarship or bursary.

CPD Grant

These grants provide eligible health professionals with financial support of up to $1000 (GST exclusive) to pursue continuing professional development (CPD) or other education.

Rural LAP:

Rural LAP is a locum assistance program for health and aged care services across rural and remote Australia.
No fees or charges apply.
Eligilbility Criteria

You must be geographically and/or professionally isolated

Eligible applicants must be located within MMM categories 2 to 7 except Aboriginal medical services which may be located in any category. The level of rurality will be used to prioritise applications.

You must be seeking locum support to cover permanent employee leave only. You may be eligible for up to 14 days for placements in MMM categories 2-4 and up to 28 days for placements in MMM categories 5-7 (noting that priority will be given to placements with a CPD component or located in MMM categories 6 and 7).

Locum support will not be provided for vacant positions.

At least two weeks’ notice be given

Requests for locum support must be made at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the placement. Short notice applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Employing the locum must benefit the participant and/or the local community

To determine eligibility, you should demonstrate how employing a locum will benefit you and/or your local community.

Frequency of previous locum support and feedback concerning previous placements

When considering an application for support, Rural LAP will take into consideration previous locum support at your organisation as well as any feedback provided back to us. This will help Rural LAP determine the most suitable way to provide support.

Other demonstrated need for locum support

Applications that don’t meet the criteria above may be approved. Use your application form to describe your need for a locum and Rural LAP will consider it.

Learn more at the Rural LAP Website

Emergency Locum Service:

The ELS is available to assist you. The Emergency Locum Service (ELS) is an initiative of the Rural Pharmacy Workforce Program (RPWP) and aims to support pharmacies in rural and remote areas through direct access to pharmacist locums in urgent emergency situations.

The service aims to place a locum Pharmacist in any location in Australia within 24 hours for a maximum of 7 days and funds up to $2,500 + GST in ELSlocum travel.

Learn more:

The rental subsidy scheme, known as ‘Rent Choice’ is specifically designed to support Key Workers in the Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs areas, and will give priority to those hard to fill roles within key industries health and human services.  You can access the list of eligible occupations via this link.

Unlike other Affordable Housing arrangements (reliant on the availability of designated Affordable Housing properties), Rent Choice uniquely enables eligible key workers to;

  • receive a rental subsidy of a max. $12,000 for up to twelve months, depending upon their household size and the rental location.
  • source their own private rental accommodation through a licensed Real Estate Agent
  • apply the subsidy payments to a lease extension through a licensed Real Estate Agen

The subsidy will be paid directly to the licensed Real Estate Agent by Venture Housing Company each month, for an agreed term. Subsidy payments can be applied to new lease agreements or lease extensions with a licensed Real Estate Agent. The lease commencement date must come after the Rent Choice voucher issue date. All leases must commence within 8 weeks from the voucher issue date.

Please view the Frequently Asked Questions which provide more detail on the conditions of the scheme.

Learn more about Rent Choices, and apply at

The WorkerConnect platform is designed to expand the Territory`s workforce by developing a pipeline of people interested in working and living in the Territory.  It has been developed specifically for Territory businesses to help them find the workers from outside the Northern Territory.

About the WorkerConnect platform

  • Territory WorkerConnect is an online platform that manages a community of job seekers in the Territory.
  • The platform enables Territory employers to post their job vacancies for free and search for workers that meet their skills, experience and work rights requirement.
  • The WorkerConnect platform is a key element of the Northern Territory Government`s Global Worker Attraction program to connect interstate and overseas jobseekers with jobs in the Territory.
  • Territory employers are encouraged to register, post their job opportunities and make use of the platforms free features to find their next employee.
  • Become a member of the Territory WorkerConnect community

Learn more about the WorkerConnect platform here

Access the WorkerConnect platform here

Page last updated on: 01 November 2024