Investing in the development of your team provides them with career pathways, increases engagement and improves sales, customer satisfaction and health outcomes.Pharmacy assistants are exposed to a wide variety of tasks that include working with customers with specialised health and well-being needs as well as personal care and grooming requirements. The role of the pharmacy assistant draws on a combination of skills and knowledge spanning customer service, marketing, dispensing, administration and business management.
The dispensary assistant undertakes an essential role in the dispensing of prescription medicines to the community. Under the direct supervision of the pharmacist the dispensary assistants assists in the selection, processing and labeling of the prescription medicine.
To support this important role Guild Training has developed a range of specialised courses to ensure that dispensary assistants around Australia have the skills and knowledge to work with the pharmacist in dispensing these important medicines.
Provides a foundation in customer service and the retail skills and entry-level health knowledge needed to work as part of a community pharmacy team.
Designed to update and expand product and health knowledge, advance customer service and provide specialised skills in key areas of pharmacy practice.
Develops the management skills needed to coordinate pharmacy operations and lead staff, as well as providing specialised, advanced skills across key pharmacy areas.