The Guild represents a constant reinvestment of funds and skills into providing service, innovation and representation to our members.
We provide support and guidance on professional health services, pharmacy business operations including COVID-19 information and resources.
To help members achieve best practice and minimise financial and non-financial costs associated with meeting their obligations and legislative requirements, we provide members with access to a range of industrial relations and human resource services.
Access the latest Pilot program information and resources for your pharmacy and pharmacists.
As part of our modern approach to advocacy and on behalf of our members, we to keep Guild members informed on the views of the Queensland political parties and provide transparency with their support of community pharmacy.
We offer a range of training options to improve career opportunities and boost business.
Throughout the year, the Queensland Branch delivers three premier conference events to keep you informed and engaged with the latest industry developments.
This program aims to reduce the incidence of blood-borne viruses and injecting related injuries and disease. Order a syringe bin, syringe packs and learn more about the program here.
Access publications from the Queensland branch, including Guild News, Newsflash, IR/HR News & Info, Annual Reports, the Queensland Branch Reconciliation Action Plan and more.
Guild members receive exclusive discounts on marketing products and business tools available in the Queensland Branch Online Store.
Contact the Guild Queensland Branch.
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