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About the Queensland Community Pharmacy Hormonal Contraception Pilot

In March 2024, it was announced by the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women, that appropriately trained pharmacists in Queensland will be authorised to prescribe hormonal contraception to women and girls aged 16 years and older.

It is expected that once pharmacists have undertaken the necessary clinical training, services will be available to Queensland women from July 2024.

This is a nation leading advancement in women’s health and is a component of the broader Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot which is already underway in some approved pharmacies.

Read the media statement from the Queensland Government here.
Read the communique from Queensland Health here.

Why is there a need for this Pilot?

  • Access to sexual, reproductive and maternal health care is a fundamental human right which contributes to positive health, social and economic outcomes across the whole community.
  • Two in three Australian women between the ages of 18 and 44 years use some form of contraception and, 83% have used contraception at some point in their lives.
  • 97% of people in capital cities, and 66% of people outside of capital cities, have access to a pharmacy within a 2.5km radius of where they live or work.

Read full report here: Ending the postcode lottery: Addressing barriers to sexual, maternity and reproductive healthcare in Australia

“These changes mean that women and girls will not need to wait for a GP appointment to receive hormonal contraception, which can be very difficult with our busy lives, workforce shortages, and for women living in regional and remote areas.”- Hon Shannon Fentiman - Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women

For further background information and resources for the pilot please refer to the Queensland Health website – Queensland Community Pharmacy Pilots.

Guild Member Resources & Support


Processes and Procedures

Pharmacist Pilot Requirements

Pilot Registration Process

Clinical Recording Software

Page last updated on: 06 August 2024