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Pilot Registration Process

Community pharmacy owners should refer to the Queensland Health document Queensland Community Pharmacy Pilots Registration Information Pack for all information regarding registering for the pilot.

From the Information Pack:

  • If a pharmacy owner or pharmacist wishes to participate in the Scope of Practice Pilot, they must register and be authorised by Queensland Health to participate in the Scope of Practice Pilot.
  • If a pharmacy owner or pharmacist wishes to participate in the Hormonal Contraception Pilot, they must register and be authorised by Queensland Health to participate in the Hormonal Contraception Pilot.
  • If a pharmacy owner or pharmacist wishes to participate in both Pilots, they must register and be authorised to participate in both Pilots.

Pharmacy owners, or an authorised delegate, are required to complete the registration form on behalf of their pharmacy, as well as on behalf of the participating pharmacists working within their pharmacy/ies.

The pharmacy owner, or an authorised delegate, must provide a number of declarations throughout the registration process, in relation to the readiness of the pharmacy and the pharmacists that intend to provide pilot services at that pharmacy.

It is important to note that some participation requirements differ between the Scope of Practice Pilot and the Hormonal Contraception Pilot. If during the registration process you select that you would like to participate in both pilots, you will be required to provide information and declarations which are relevant to both pilots

Page last updated on: 08 July 2024