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s100 Co-Payment Waiver

From October 3, eligible people living with HIV in Queensland will no longer be required to pay the patient co-payment for HIV medication.

Opioid Dependence Treatment Program

From the 1st July 2023, ODT medicines became available as part of the Section 100 Highly Specialised Drugs (Community Access) arrangements, meaning that ODT medicines will now be prescribed, ordered, supplied (dispensed) and remunerated like other PBS medicines under these arrangements.

Needle & Syringe Program

This program aims to reduce the incidence of blood-borne viruses and injecting related injuries and disease, by supplying sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users with the aim of ensuring users do not share needles.

For more information:
Guild Queensland Branch


07 3831 3788

Page last updated on: 01 July 2024