Overdose deaths in Australia have exceeded the road toll since 2014. The most recent data show that overdose is the second-leading cause of death for Australians aged 30-39. The Australia’s Annual Overdose Report is the most detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date study of overdose in Australia, which you can download here.
Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) is excited to announce a user-friendly map, the Take Home Naloxone (THN) Registered Pharmacies Locator map, available on www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/naloxone.
This map can be used by clients and workers to locate their nearest community pharmacy and hospital offering free Take Home Naloxone (THN).
Harm Reduction : A guide for pharmacists
This course outlines the concept of har reduction, why it is important, and the role of the pharmacist in providing such services to the community.
Learning Objectives:
Recognise harms associated with drug use
Recognise harm reduction’s place in the four pillars approach to harm minimization
Identify the benefits of various harm reduction strategies
Recognise the benefits of needle exchange programs
Recognise the signs of opioid overdose
Identify the role of the pharmacist in providing harm reduction services
Recognise the counselling required for Pharmacist Only Naloxone