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Education & Resources

Australia’s Annual Overdose Report

Overdose deaths in Australia have exceeded the road toll since 2014. The most recent data show that overdose is the second-leading cause of death for Australians aged 30-39.
The Australia’s Annual Overdose Report is the most detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date study of overdose in Australia, which you can download here.

CNP Resources

DASSA guide on needlestick injury/what to do if you find used syringes

Naloxone Resources

Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) is excited to announce a user-friendly map, the Take Home Naloxone (THN) Registered Pharmacies Locator map, available on www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/naloxone.

This map can be used by clients and workers to locate their nearest community pharmacy and hospital offering free Take Home Naloxone (THN).


Harm Reduction : A guide for pharmacists

This course outlines the concept of har reduction, why it is important, and the role of the pharmacist in providing such services to the community.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognise harms associated with drug use
  • Recognise harm reduction’s place in the four pillars approach to harm minimization
  • Identify the benefits of various harm reduction strategies
  • Recognise the benefits of needle exchange programs
  • Recognise the signs of opioid overdose
  • Identify the role of the pharmacist in providing harm reduction services
  • Recognise the counselling required for Pharmacist Only Naloxone
  • 2 Group 2 CPD credits

    This course is free for pharmacists to complete via the GuildEd Learning platform at https://guilded.guild.org.au/

Page last updated on: 27 February 2024