Membership Fees

2024/2025 Full Membership Fees

Guild membership is valid and renewable each financial year.

Full Guild Membership fee comprises of a “Proprietor” and a “Premises” fee.

The membership fees for the 2024/25 financial year are:

  • Proprietor Fee = $0.00
  • Premises Fee = $2860 including GST (pro rata fees apply to applications received after July).

The “Premises” component is based on the number of pharmacy premises owned. This entitles the pharmacy and its proprietor(s) to the full range of Guild products and services.

Payment options

Payment is available by direct debit monthly, quarterly or annually. For more information

  • Click here to download the direct debit fee payment schedule
  • Click here to download the direct debit form
  • Click here to download the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

EFT / BPAY / Credit card payments, please refer to your notice of account for more information.

Refund Policy

A refund of full membership fees to a member will only occur where a pharmacy is sold and there is a change in ownership. The Guild’s Victoria Branch will refund the membership for the pharmacy from the date the pharmacy was sold up until the date the membership was paid.

In all circumstances, the Victoria Branch must be notified in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the change in ownership with the date the pharmacy was sold via

2024/2025 Associate Membership Fees

Guild Associate Membership is $198.00 including GST per financial year (1 July – 30 June).

Payment options

Annual payment is available EFT / BPAY / Credit card payments, please refer to your notice of account for more information.

Refund Policy

Associateship fees are not refundable.


For any questions, please contact the Victoria Branch on 03 9810 9999 or by email at

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Page last updated on: 26 June 2024