Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot campaign resources

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Victoria Branch, has launched a state-wide digital marketing campaign, highlighting the range of healthcare services available through community pharmacies as part of the Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot.

The social media campaign showcases the range of available services and the major step forward in enhancing access to primary healthcare for all Victorians.

Member resources

As part of this promotional campaign, the Victoria Branch has developed the following resources for members to use:

Social media tiles

Please right click on the tiles below and select 'Save image as' to save these tiles for use to promote the pilot services that you are undertaking in your pharmacy on your pharmacy's social media channels.

Oral contraceptive resupply icon tile Oral contraceptive resupply tile Oral contraceptive almost out tile

UTI icon tile UTI image tile Travel health tile Travel health icon tile

Shingles treatment tile Shingles treatment icon tile Flare up tile Flare up icon tile

Please tag the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Victoria Branch in your posts so we can share your posts on our socials as well. The Victoria Branch social media handles are:

  • Instagram: @pharmacyguildvicbranch
  • Facebook: @pharmacyguild
  • LinkedIn: @pharmacyguild

Additional resources

A poster to download and print to help promote the pilot in your pharmacy.

Template media release

Members can download a template media release to distribute to local media in your area to promote the pilot and the services you are providing in your pharmacy. Please update the highlighted fields and select the services you provide in your pharmacy as required before distributing.

Find a Pharmacy

A reminder also that members can add the services they are providing under the Victorian pharmacist prescribing pilot to Find a Pharmacy. Please take a moment to update MyGuild, so that your patients can easily find out about the services you are providing via

Page last updated on: 08 August 2024