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Useful Contacts

Guild Services

7CPA Hotline 1300 555 262 
Gold Cross Products & Services 02 6270 1860
Guild Banking EFTPOS 03 9810 9930
Guild Insurance 08 9368 8600
Guild Finance 08 9368 8650
Pharmacy Guild of Australia (WA) 08 9429 4100
QCPP Hotline 1300 363 340 *
Privacy Hotline 1300 555 262 *
Project STOP 1300 137 608 

Department of Human Services

IME Medicare Number 1300 302 122 *
DVA Authority Prescription Approvals 1800 552 580
General PBS & Stationery Enquiries 132 290 *
Overseas Drug Diversion Information 1800 500 147
PBS Information Line 1800 020 613
Prescription Drug Smuggling 1800 500 147


Armed Robbery Squad (in the first instance) 000 (24 hrs)
Armed Robbery Police Call Centre 131 444 (24 hrs)
Asthma Council (National) 1800 032 495
Asthma Foundation 9481 1234
Cold Chain Testing 02 9467 7140
General PBS and Stationery Enquiries 132 290 *
Hold Up Counselling 9310 3254
Locums General 02 9371 4928
Locums Emergency Hotline 1800 357 001
Major Crime 9233 3558
PBS Information Line 1800 020 613
Poisons Information 1800 020 613
Pseudoephedrine (suspicious sales) 9223 3246
Return Medicines (OPAL) 08 8359 6055
Stolen & Forged Scripts 9388 4981

* Local call rates.  Normal mobile and public phone charges apply

Page last updated on: 19 December 2023