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PBCN Webinar - Pharmacy Recruitment

Event dates

19 Oct 2022

Event description

Focusing on pharmacy management and ownership, the PBCN supports the improvement and growth of your business performance with insights and advice from a range of industry professionals. The October PBCN webinar will focus on Pharmacy Recruitment.

As community health hubs, it’s important for pharmacies to have the most effective recruitment strategies and practises in place in order to attract and engage talent. With more and more opportunity out there for job seekers, it’s imperative that you stand out from the crowd. Hear from pharmacy recruitment experts to optimize your hiring process- right before the busiest retail period of the year kicks off!


  • Heidi Dariz- Raven’s Recruitment
  • Sharlene Wellard - Meridian Lawyers
  • Elise Apolloni - Capital Chemist & Pharmacy Guild OF Australia

Hosted by Daniel Oyston, Founder of Content Grasshopper

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7:00pm - 7:30pmStrategies for Attracting EmployeesAs community health hubs, it’s important for pharmacies to have the most effective recruitment strategies and practises in place in order to attract and engage talent. With more and more opportunity out there for job seekers, it’s imperative that you stand out from the crowd. Hear from pharmacy recruitment expert Heidi Dariz on strategies you can use to optimise your hiring process- right before the busiest retail period of the year kicks off!Heidi Dariz
(General Manager, Raven's Recruitment) 
7:30pm - 8:00pmDon't Forget the Rules and RegulationsTaking on a new employee can be a positive time for any business, but there are legal considerations to keep in mind as an employer. Recruitment legislation is complex and ever-evolving. Join Sharlene Wellard as she provides insight into how to comply with your legal obligations and minimise your legal exposure when recruiting.Sharlene Wellard
(Principal Lawyer, Meridian Lawyers) 
8:00pm - 8:30pmEmployee RetentionEmployee retention is key to operating a robust, thriving pharmacy. The best employee retention strategies are the ones that directly connect to the employee experience. Gain insight from an award-winning community health hub on how to connect listening, insight, and action to retain employees over the long term in your pharmacy.Elise Apolloni
(Pharmacist & Managing Partner, Capital Pharmacist Wanniassa & PGA ACT Branch Vice-President)
Page last updated on: 21 September 2022