09 Dec 2023
The Pharmacy Guild Full Immunisation Course provides a background of immunisation in Australia, familiarises pharmacists with the resources that are available to support immunisation services, outlines the regulatory requirements which cover the provision of immunisation services within community pharmacy, and provides practical skill-based training in safe injection technique.
Guild-member pharmacy: $105 (GST free) per person.
Non Guild-member pharmacy: $220 (GST free) per person
Cost includes workshop materials and catering (morning tea and lunch)
This training is subsidised by the Northern Territory Government.
Prior to attending the workshop, please ensure you have completed the below pre-requisites:
Certificates confirming completion of pre-requisite items must be submitted prior to attendance at the face-to-face workshop. Participants will not be issued with a Statement of Completion for the vaccination course until the above-required documents have been received. Pharmacists cannot administer vaccinations until they receive the Statement of Completion for the course.
In exceptional circumstances, participants may apply for an extension for up to three months after the workshop to provide certificates for CPR and First Aid. This must be requested no later than two weeks prior to the workshop. Participants will be notified that knowledge of CPR and First Aid is required to successfully complete the practical assessment in the workshop.
If an extension is requested and the participant does not complete the workshop satisfactorily, the Guild takes no responsibility for lack of completion. The participant may choose to repeat the workshop at full cost.
If the participant is unable to complete the pre-learning prior to the workshop due to exceptional circumstances, Guild may choose to allow them to attend the workshop. However, knowledge of the material covered in the pre-learning is required to successfully complete the practical assessment in the workshop. if the participant does not complete the workshop satisfactorily, the Guild takes no responsibility for lack of completion. The participant may choose to repeat the workshop at full course cost.
Please contact Training Administration at admin.training@qldguild.org.au