Pharmacy Guild welcomes Queensland Govt’s free flu vaccination announcement

4 January 2025

Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland’s Branch President, Chris Owen, welcomed the Crisafulli Government’s announcement that flu vaccinations would be free for all Queenslanders.

Mr Owen said today’s announcement by Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Planning and Industrial Relations Jarrod Bleijie MP and Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Tim Nicholls MP, will mean more Queenslanders would have access to the vaccines, reducing pressure on Hospital Emergency Departments when flu season arrives during the winter months.

“I would like to congratulate the Crisafulli Government for committing to extend the free flu vaccines across the state,” said Mr Owen.

“The flu season in Queensland generally runs between May and September. Announcing free availability means Queenslanders will have every opportunity to access the vaccine before the worst of the flu season.

“We recognise the government’s efforts in finding the resources to fund this initiative, especially as there are cohorts being funded by the Queensland Government that are not covered by the National Immunisation Program (NIP),” Mr Owen said.

“This announcement means Queenslanders will be better prepared for the flu season. We know from experience that the more people that get the vaccine, the less severe the flu season’s impacts will be.

“Higher vaccination rates mean fewer hospitalisations due to influenza,” said Mr Owen, “this means hospital beds can be freed up for more urgent needs.”

Mr Owen said the announcement was timely and would allow community pharmacists and other health care professionals time to order stock and promote the service.

“By making this announcement now, community pharmacists and other health care providers will have ample time to plan and secure the necessary vaccine stock to meet the anticipated demand.

“This advanced notice will also enable Queensland families to plan ahead and visit their community pharmacy to receive the free vaccine and help reduce the spread of the virus, protecting friends and family most at risk,” said Mr Owen.


Media Contact

Jeff Popp

0438 153 857

Page last updated on: 06 January 2025