Tell us about your Back to the Future moments

3 March 2021

Change can be daunting and with catastrophic events, such as the bushfires and particularly COVID-19, community pharmacies have changed and adapted in a myriad of different ways.

Change can be daunting and with catastrophic events, such as the bushfires and particularly COVID-19, community pharmacies have changed and adapted in a myriad of different ways.

There have been amazing and inspiring stories about community pharmacies and their pharmacists stepping up to the plate to continue to offer much-needed and professional health services under the most challenging conditions.

And now rural, regional and remote pharmacists and their staff have a chance to detail their “Back to the Future” moments as the theme for the latest “Why I Love Rural Pharmacy” video competition.

Pharmacists should be proud of what they have achieved and take the time to reflect on a challenging time. What are some key learnings or changes in practice that they will take into the future?

Pharmacists and their staff are asked to submit a 30-45 second video with the winners of Best Video and People’s Choice being announced on Thursday 20 May during the Rural Pharmacy and Indigenous Health Stream at APP2021 on the Gold Coast.

The video competition is in its fifth year, with previous themes being “Why I Love Rural Pharmacy”, “Come Work With Me”, “What My Pharmacy Will Look Like in 2025” and ”Rural Pharmacy First Dates”.

With this year’s “Back to the Future” theme, pharmacy participants can share how they have introduced change into their practice, reflecting on how things used to be done and how they’ve since adapted. They are asked to use ‘practise’ and ‘practice’ interchangeably,

Some of these changes may be permanent and others temporary. Some may have required careful planning, while others may have required quick, on-your-toes thinking. Either way, there are sure to be plenty of opportunities to tell their peers about them in the 30-45 second video.

They also have the chance to score bonus points by incorporating the signature item – which this year is a skateboard – into the video. Double bonus points if it’s a hoverboard!

Hashtags for the video message are: #iloveruralpharmacy #backtothefuture

Entrants must be an employee or owner of an MM 3-7 pharmacy and entries close by 12 midnight AEDT Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Send your entries to:

Access more information, including video ideas, terms and conditions.

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Page last updated on: 15 June 2021