Incontinence bins for men

8 June 2021

A campaign promoting the installation of incontinence bins in male public toilet facilities is a focus of this year’s World Continence Week being held from 21-27 June.

The week seeks to support the more than one million men around Australia who live with incontinence.

Organised by the Continence Foundation of Australia, the incontinence bins in male public toilet facilities campaign is dubbed BINS4Blokes.  

The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body promoting bladder and bowel health. Its vision is to have a community free of the stigma of incontinence, and provides information on funding, referrals and products. The foundation also offers free resources for individuals, carers and professionals to help treat bladder and bowel control problems.

The foundation’s BINS4Blokes campaign recognises that incontinence affects 1 in 10 men in Australia, of all ages.  

Despite this, many male public toilets do not have a disposal bin for men to place their continence products.

This leaves men to carry used products with them or feel stressed about how they'll throw them out.

A lack of options stops men with incontinence from going out to exercise, shop and simply enjoy life.  

The Bins4Blokes campaign this World Continence Week hopes help change that.  

Available materials and resources to help spread the word include:

  • Poster
  • Infographic
  • Newsletter inclusion
  • Fact sheets
  • Videos

More details are available at the World Continence Week website.

Media Contacts

The Guild


Related Links
Page last updated on: 15 June 2021