Pharmacists united in antimicrobial resistance fight

8 June 2021

The international pharmacy profession is committed to being part of the solution to antimicrobial resistance, ministers at the digital 74th World Health Assembly, have been told.

In a statement to the assembly, the International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) reported that at least 144 countries had a national action plan on AMR.

FIP said it had called on its national pharmacy associations to take an active role in the development and implementation of these plans in its policy statement on the control of AMR.

The organisation said it continued to facilitate the essential contributions of the pharmacy profession to AMR reduction around the world through measures including surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial use and resistance, antibiotics distribution and regulation.

It was also driving action through the FIP Commission on AMR, which comprises of pharmacy experts with international reach and diverse backgrounds.

FIP lead for policy, practice and compliance, Zuzana Kusynová also highlighted the federation’s imminent AMR activities, which include building a repository of resources for pharmacists in different settings and a broad engagement exercise during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (held from 18-24 November this year), taking the form of a series of events that will run in all six World Health Organisation regions.

In addition, FIP is making statements to the assembly in partnership with the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA; of which FIP is a founding member), the Health Stakeholders Network and others on:

  • WHO’s work in health emergencies and strengthening preparedness for health emergencies, including mental health preparedness for - and response to - the COVID-19 pandemic (with the WHPA)
  • Global action on patient safety (with the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations and Health Stakeholders Network)
  • Health workforce (with the WHPA) * Substandard and falsified medicines (with the Fight the Fakes Alliance)
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Page last updated on: 15 June 2021