‘Millions of Reasons to Care’

13 October 2021

Carers are an essential part of Australia’s health system and are integral to the aged, disability, palliative, and community care systems.

The replacement cost of the care they provide is almost $1.5 billion per week. One in eight Australians provide unpaid support to a family member or friend.

This week is National Carers Week which aims to paint an authentic picture of caring in Australia.

Chief Executive Officer of Carers Australia Liz Callaghan said 2021 had continued to be a challenging time for many members of the community.

“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has meant that unpaid carers are under intense pressure as they continue to care for their loved ones,” she said.

“Carers have been doing a tremendous job throughout this difficult time, not only maintaining their caring roles in trying circumstances, but often going above and beyond to ensure the safety of those they care for. Throughout the pandemic, carers have kept vulnerable people safe, including people receiving the NDIS and older Australians.

“Sheltering at home will not stop for carers for some time, and it is vital that carers continue to be supported in their caring roles. This is why National Carers Week is so important . . .and is a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank Australia’s unpaid carers for the incredible work they do.

“This year’s theme is ‘Millions of Reasons to Care’ which aims to bring attention to the 2.65 million carers around the country.”

The Millions of Reasons to Care theme highlights:

  • There are 2.65 million unpaid carers in Australia
  • Carers provided 2.2 billion hours of unpaid care in 2020
  • 42 million hours of unpaid care is provided every week.
  • To replace unpaid care with paid care would cost about $1.5 billion a week.
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Page last updated on: 13 October 2021