Intern of the Year Award nominations open

10 November 2021

Nominations for the 2021 MIMS/Guild Intern of the Year Award are now open using an updated and simplified system.

The national award supports the next generation of pharmacists and owners to build a strong foundation for their professional careers. The winner takes home a travel and educational scholarship to the value of $4,500, courtesy of MIMS Australia.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s National President, Trent Twomey, said nominations would close on 22 February. The winner will be announced at APP2022’s opening plenary on the Gold Coast in March 2022.

“We’re very excited to announce nominations have now opened,” Mr Twomey said.

“The big difference this year is the simplified application process.

“To make things a lot easier, the nomination form this year has only one question - in 50 words or less tell us why you deserve to be Intern of the Year.

“It’s really very simple, Pharmacy Guild interns can self-nominate or be nominated online at”

Robert Best, the Chief Executive Officer Executive Director of MIMS Australia and New Zealand, said that MIMS Australia was very excited to sponsor IOTY once again.

“This is an award that showcases the very best of innovation and excellence of pharmacy interns,” Mr Best said.

“Being able to reward excellence in young people is exciting for our whole team at MIMS. These interns really are the future of pharmacy.

“MIMS has been committed to supporting young healthcare professionals from all parts of the healthcare ecosystem for more than 55 years. We are absolutely thrilled to support community and hospital pharmacies and the interns by sponsoring this award.”

Mr Twomey encouraged those self-nominating and nominating others to act quickly and get the nominations in as soon as possible.

“With this new and improved online system, there’s added incentive to act early,” he said.

“From experience, that deadline comes around very quickly; I’d hate for anyone to miss out.”

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Page last updated on: 10 November 2021