Still time to register for APP

9 March 2022

There is still time to register for this year’s APP, which is taking place from 24-27 March on the Gold Coast.

Pharmacists wanting to gain access to expert presentations and resources regarding COVID-19 shouldn’t miss APP, as they will get to hear from the who’s who of the COVID-19 pandemic response, including one of the architects of Australia’s response to the pandemic, Minister for Health and Aged Care Hon Greg Hunt MP, and his colleague the Hon Mark Butler MP, Federal Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care. 

In addition, the program will feature the person leading Queensland’s efforts in the battle against COVID-19, Queensland’s new Chief Health Officer, Dr John Gerrard. 

Attendees will also get the chance to hear directly from representatives from Pfizer and Moderna, the organisations responsible for creating the most prominent vaccines in Australia.

For Guild members wanting a confidential update on key issues affecting community pharmacy, don’t miss the Guild Members Breakfast at APP on Friday 5 March. Presented by the Guild National President, Professor Trent Twomey, the breakfast will include insights on:

  • State of the industry synopsis – opportunities and threats
  • Risks to pharmacy renumeration
  • Concessional RAT Program review – where to from here?

For Guild members, it is worth coming to APP for this key briefing alone.

For APP2022 program information and to register, go to

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Page last updated on: 09 March 2022