Men’s health week

8 June 2022

International Men's Health Week is celebrated every year around the world from June 13-19.

It is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of men's health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities.

Men's Health Week focuses on not just physical health, but also men's mental health and emotional wellbeing.

During the week, health challenges faced by men in Australia and worldwide are highlighted and events held to improve the physical, emotional and mental health of men and boys.

Through a series of promotions, events and publicity around the country, Men's Health Week is designed to provoke thought and discussion about what needs to be done to improve male health.

The theme of Men's Health Week 2022 is Building Healthy Environments for Men and Boys - focusing on creating physically, mentally and emotionally healthy environments in the home, workplace and in social settings.

Men’s Health Week is coordinated by Western Sydney University whose connections with community and government organisations across Australia enable it to develop networks and partnerships that bring together people who care about better health for men and boys.

Pharmacist Brad Butt of Cooleman Court Pharmacy in the ACT, winner of the Guild’s 2022 Pharmacy of the Year Award, and Mens Health Downunder said men’s health was an often under-serviced area.

“Recognising this we have put a lot of emphasis in providing men’s health services through the pharmacy,” he said.

“This has been very well received and we are finding men are increasingly presenting to us to discuss their health issues or simply to ask questions.

“This idea that men neglect their health isn’t really true for all men; in fact most men hold good health in high regard so when something goes wrong, they are interested and motivated to get it back on track.

“Perhaps the issue is that at times accessing quality healthcare information for men is difficult – they’re not sure where to turn and equally how to ask; it can be embarrassing.

“We also work closely with GPs and specialists so they know we are there and have the experience in this area. This gives the referrers the confidence to suggest male patients come in and have a chat with us as somewhat of experts in the field with not only the skillset to assist but the time and relationship with allied health to get a desirable and holistic outcome.

“Men’s Health Week is a good opportunity for everyone to refocus on men’s health and to ensure men are comfortable seeking help and talking about issues.”

Mr Butt also encouraged people to nominate pharmacies for the Pharmacy of the Year award.

“This is a great award and and recognition for you and your staff,” he said.

“Patients are also encouraged to nominate their favourite pharmacy.”

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Page last updated on: 08 June 2022