Dr Nick Coatsworth joins Australian Patients Association

8 February 2023

Dr Nick Coatsworth, the country’s former Deputy Chief Health Officer has joined forces with the Australian Patients Association (APA).

The infectious diseases physician will now be the APA’s Ambassador for Health Reform.

The APA says he will be speaking up for patients in policy circles and in the media.

Dr Coatsworth says with federal and state governments launching a roadmap on reforming Medicare and the health system in general, it’s never been more important for patients to have a voice.

“…as we move from the old model of single-illness-based care to a model that recognises that the best care for the individual patient is delivered by a team of professionals working together, it is vital that patients have a seat at the table,” Dr Coatsworth said.

CEO of the APA, Stephen Mason says Dr Coatsworth will bring a lot of expertise in his role as Ambassador.

“Dr Coatsworth is an experienced physician and public administrator, who has always put patients first in his work.

“We are very excited to add him to our team,” Mr Mason said.

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Page last updated on: 08 February 2023