Earn 1 CPD point with the free online Cyber Wardens program

12 June 2024

Did you know that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses and that the health sector is the top target for cyber criminals? A single attack can cost you, on average, $46,000 and result in your business closing for days, if not weeks.

As a pharmacist, pharmacy assistant or pharmacy employee, it is your responsibility to safeguard all identifiable client information by protecting your small business from cyber threats. The fallout from a cyber assault isn't limited to monetary damages - it also puts patient safety at risk and can permanently damage your business’s reputation.

That’s where Cyber Wardens comes in. Funded by the Australian Government and endorsed by the Australian Medical CPD Standard (AMcpdS), the free online program is self-paced and quick to complete.

You can earn 1 non-accredited CPD point when completing the Cyber Wardens training, counting towards the 40 CPD points required by 30 September to maintain your pharmacist registration. You will be provided with a certificate as proof upon course completion.

By taking the course, you will learn to:

  • Identify and protect your important business information
  • Take simple and effective steps to defend against digital break-ins
  • Spot common tricks and scams hackers use to attack small businesses
  • Promote cyber safety in your team

You don’t need to be an IT whiz or tech-savvy. The course is jargon-free and focused on providing you with quick wins you can implement to protect your business today.

In addition, if you enrol and complete the Cyber Wardens course by Sunday 30 June 2024 you can go into the draw to win a gift card worth up to $1,000.

There’s no better time than today to start prioritising cyber safety and safeguarding your business against cyber threats!

Enrol Now

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Page last updated on: 18 June 2024