Accreditation: Empowering tomorrow and shaping the future

12 June 2024

9 June marked World Accreditation Day 2024 . World Accreditation Day was a day to highlight the essential role of accreditation in providing a framework of trust and reliability, enabling industries to embrace new advancements and drive innovation forward.

This year’s theme, Accreditation: Empowering Tomorrow and Shaping the Future promotes how accreditation is a key pillar of societal assurance as digitalisation, new technologies and sustainability concerns continue to change our world.

In Australia, more than 95% of community pharmacies demonstrate their commitment to upholding accreditation standards via the Quality Care Pharmacy Program (QCPP).

QCPP is the quality assurance program in place for Australian community pharmacies ensuring quality, safe and consistent professional services and consumer care.

Quality Management requires leadership and commitment from pharmacy owners, managers, and all employees as safety and quality is everyone’s responsibility when providing health services.

A continuous Quality Improvement Culture is important to respond constructively to incidents, feedback and other quality indicators and to promote opportunities for improvement within all areas of the pharmacy business.

Quality Care accredited pharmacies are committed to providing quality, safe and consistent professional services and customer care. Pharmacies undergo assessments demonstrating their compliance in a range of areas, including clinical governance, clinical and cultural safety, infrastructure and premises and consumer centred care.

When visiting your local pharmacy, look for the Quality Care Pharmacy accreditation decal in their window, which tells you the pharmacy is accredited.

Learn more about QCPP via the QCPP Website and you can still get involved with WAD2024 by sharing a story on social media about quality using the #WAD2024 hashtag.

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The Guild


Page last updated on: 12 June 2024