Celebrating pharmacists on World Pharmacists Day, 25 September 2024

11 September 2024

So far 2024 has been a milestone year for pharmacists, making World Pharmacists Day the perfect opportunity to celebrate their achievements and contributions. As we approach September 25, it’s a great time to think about how we can celebrate within our pharmacies or by acknowledging the hard work of our local community pharmacists.

World Pharmacists Day is a global celebration that recognises the important role of pharmacists in meeting healthcare needs across the world. This year, the Guild is highlighting how community pharmacists are stepping up—through full scope of practice initiatives—to meet the evolving needs of Australian healthcare.

Pharmacists being able to practice to their full scope means greater access to quality, affordable healthcare for patients across the country. The past year has seen increased momentum, with significant advancements announced or rolled out nationwide.

Queensland continues to lead the way, with pharmacists now able to treat a range of everyday health conditions at community pharmacies. This model offers patients more convenient and cost-effective access to care for common conditions like mild to moderate shingles, acne, dermatitis, musculoskeletal pain, and more.

New South Wales, Western Australia and Northern Territory Governments have announced plans to soon enable pharmacists to treat many of these conditions so that patients can access more healthcare options, too.

Pharmacists in every state and territory will soon be able to, or can already, treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections. The availability of these services is a game-changer for women, significantly reducing the time and hassle involved in accessing essential healthcare.

The Guild encourages everyone to show their support for World Pharmacists Day by thanking their local community pharmacists for their expertise and service. On 25 September, we will release a special video across our social media channels. We invite you to re-share the video and use the hashtag #WPD2024 to join the global conversation!

A toolkit is available to help pharmacists and health-sector advocates spread the message of thanks across digital channels. And, of course, don’t forget to visit your local pharmacy and thank your pharmacist in person for stepping up to meet the healthcare needs of Australians.

Access the Toolkit

Media Contacts

The Guild


Page last updated on: 11 September 2024