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APP2025 Chairman's top 20

14 February 2025

Each year, APP Chairman Kos Sclavos AM is asked to share his top APP program highlights – a challenging task given the calibre of sessions and speakers. Below are Kos’s top 20 picks for 2025 in conference date and time order:

Please note that the announcement of the 2025 Federal Election date at any time may impact the final APP program, with reference to Federal politicians presenting at APP2025.

1) Full Scope of Practice Workshop (Wednesday PM)
This workshop is in two parts. Firstly, the scope of practice for pharmacists is constantly changing across states and territories - the workshop is an ideal for those wanting to be brought up to speed. Secondly, pharmacists can now administer many injectable medicines - this part of the workshop will act as a refresher for pharmacist administration of seven common injectable medicines.

2) Opening Address and Pharmacy of The Year winners (Thursday AM)
Hear from Guild National President, Professor Trent Twomey, about the Guild’s direction for Community Pharmacy. The last 12 months has seen significant change and Trent will reflect on the key issues, as well as the future direction of the profession. Furthermore, be inspired by the Pharmacy of the Year winners, who will showcase best practice in action. A terrific way to kick off the conference program.

3) The world community pharmacy scene: why are some global giants failing - what is the key to success? (Thursday AM)
We are honoured to welcome US based Doug Hoey, President of the World Pharmacy Council, back to the APP stage. Prescription medicines should not be seen as commoditised items - the markets that have gone down this track are seeing community pharmacy decimated. In some countries, there is evidence that large format pharmacies which have commoditised prescription medicines are struggling for viability.

4) How community pharmacy can strengthen their primary care role through precision health (Thursday AM)
Diagnostic devices ideally suited for the pharmacy setting are becoming more accurate, and price affordability is increasing. With the emergence of full scope of practice by pharmacists, tools to support differential diagnosis are key. This panel session will showcase examples of diagnostic devices supporting pharmacists to play an enhanced role in primary care. The panel will include Special guest, US based guest speaker Jeff Harrell, National President of the National Community Pharmacists Association.

5) Alan Russell Oration | Pharmacist full scope of practice (Thursday PM)
I was delighted to invite Georgina Twomey, credentialed full scope pharmacist and CEO of Alive Pharmacy Group to present this session. In years to come, we will note that the last two years, with the development of full scope, have been pivotal for the pharmacy profession taking a great leap forward. This session will be a record of this significant part of our profession’s history, delivered by one of the first practitioners in the field. The Alive Pharmacy Group have been at the centre of embracing this change.

6) Digital Health: The next 5 years for pharmacy (Thursday PM)
The May 2023 federal budget revealed a $1.1 billion investment to update the digital health infrastructure and transform My Health Record into a more data-rich platform. With pharmacists expanding their roles, this session will outline how this digital investment can enhance health outcomes for Australians. It will explore the implications for pharmacists with an upgraded My Health Record, and how the evolving digital medication platforms seek to further improve medication safety.

7) Unlocking Opportunities: Is ‘Full Scope of Practice’ a viable service offering for community pharmacy? (Thursday PM)
While there are multiple sessions on full scope at APP2025, this one takes a look from a different angle. Amongst other issues it will evaluate the viability of pharmacist prescribing and what it means for your bottom line.

8) Guild member (Proprietor) only breakfast: Industry update (Friday AM)
For Guild Members, this is a must attend session. This member-only event will provide a confidential update on the Guild’s 2025 Federal Election strategy and advocacy work. All Guild members are encouraged to attend. The session will conclude with an interactive Q&A session.

9) The Panel: State of the Industry (Friday AM)
One of my favourite sessions, always. Hear from leaders of Consumer Healthcare Products Australia, Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association, National Pharmaceutical Services Association, and The Pharmacy Guild of Australia. How do they view the industry? What are they seeking, in terms of election commitments? Where does pharmacy and pharmaceuticals sit in the political landscape?

10) The Patient Doctor (Friday AM)
You will be inspired after attending this session. Originally a zoologist and science communicator, Ben Bravery became a doctor in 2018 after a stage 3 bowel cancer diagnosis and is now undertaking speciality training in psychiatry. Ben volunteers, advocates, writes, and speaks about colorectal cancer, living with cancer, and medicine and medical education, and is committed to advocating for change in Australia’s health care system.

11) Ann Dalton Address | Fearless: finding the power to thrive (Friday AM)
Former world number 4 tennis player, Jelena Dokic embodies resilience and triumph. Her awe-inspiring journey on the court includes making the semifinals of Wimbledon at 17 years of age. Yet, beyond the spotlight, she endured adversity, including abuse from her father for 15 years. This trauma shadowed her success, affecting her mental health. At 22, she faced a breaking point but chose resilience. Find out how Jelena emerged as a survivor, determined not just to survive but to thrive.

12) Harm minimisation stream  (Friday PM)
Harm minimisation is gaining momentum in the pharmacy landscape, with methadone and buprenorphine now funded PBS drugs and the administration of Long-Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB) from pharmacy consult rooms expanding. But the illicit drug trade is still a growing market, with synthetic opioids beginning to surface in Australia. Many topics will be covered in this intensive 90 minute session – please refer to the online program for more details.

13) Pharmacy lessons from the USA (Saturday AM)
US based guest speaker Jeff Harrell is the National President of the National Community Pharmacists Association and a leading authority on technology and innovations in pharmacy practice in the USA. In this not-to-be-missed keynote address, Jeff will disclose the challenges faced by pharmacy in his country and lessons for Australian community pharmacy. How can Australian pharmacists adapt to ensure their pharmacies thrive in this competitive industry?

14) Inspiring lifesaving communities: Greg Page’s story  (Saturday AM)
Greg Page, better known as the original Yellow Wiggle, survived a cardiac arrest on stage in January 2020. His life was saved by quick-thinking bystanders who performed CPR and used an AED to restore his heart rhythm. Greg later learned his chances of survival were just 1 in 20, a statistic that deeply affected him. Determined to make a difference, he founded Heart of the Nation, a charity focused on increasing survival rates by educating about CPR and making AEDs more visible, accessible, and actionable in communities.

15) Finding power when you feel flat, tired and uninspired  (Saturday AM)
Business Communication Expert, Chris Helder is an APP regular, with delegate feedback calling for Chris to come back again! Let’s face it – at certain times all teams need to be re-ignited. Everyone can feel flat, tired, and a little uninspired at times. Sometimes businesses go through challenging times. There are times that the business needs to relight that inner spark again. This presentation outlines the steps to re-ignition.

16) Pharmacy market insights and a financial update in the light of 60DD and 8CPA: A deep dive into the economics and business perspectives of pharmacy professional services  (Saturday PM)
This session will update attendees on the current market capitalisation rates highlighting the differences between market prices and valuations. It will also cover the current pharmacy market climate and factors driving market sentiment. In addition, insight will be provided on pharmacy valuation trends and issues arising from the new pharmacy economic climate.

17) People, prosperity, and the planet: The power of superannuation  (Saturday PM)
There is a quiet revolution going on in the super industry. Learn how the muscle of superannuation capital is being used to move money away from harmful activities and invested in positive outcomes. A super fund that takes a leadership position and advocates for change (sometimes a little bit noisily), needs to keep its own backyard pretty tidy - it needs to be authentic and transparent.

18) Practical guide to diabetes-specific nutritional formulas: Implementation strategies for Pharmacy Practice  (Saturday PM)
Less than half of individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) successfully adhere to dietary recommendations, creating significant challenges in achieving optimal glycaemic control. This presentation introduces pivotal insights from the new Consensus Statement on Diabetes-Specific Nutritional Formulas (DSNFs) and the RACGP Management of Type 2 Diabetes Guidelines, providing pharmacy professionals with practical guidance for supporting individuals with T2D.

19) Top 10 tips from PDL  (Saturday PM)
Join the PDL Professional Officers as they reflect on areas of risk for pharmacists identified through call and incident reports to PDL. This session will reference the most common areas of incident and complaint and offer risk management guidance to pharmacists in all areas of practice.

20) Finding success with QCPP  (Saturday PM)
Join the Quality Care Pharmacy Program’s session to learn more about how to set your pharmacy up for success and uncover the future of the Program, including the next release of Quality Care Requirements.

Finally, a reminder to view the program on the APP website on a regular basis, or sign up to our APP e-news, as the program will be continually updated in the lead up to APP2025.

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The Guild


Page last updated on: 17 February 2025