Statement from Pharmacy Guild, Qld President Chris Owen - regarding media reports surrounding the UTI pilot findings in Queensland

17 May 2022

“We look forward to the release of the QUT evaluation report. We welcome commentary in The Australian thatthe report is “overwhelmingly supportive of the trial,” as well as the finding that “pharmacists delivered safe andappropriate care when prescribing the antibiotics.”

It's clear from the information in The Australian that the uncomplicated UTI pilot delivers for women and is a
major advancement for women’s health.

From its inception to its extension, the UTI Pilot has always been about providing high-quality health services to
women across Queensland and from everything we’ve read today, it’s achieved that.

Not every community has access to GPs—and even those that do, sometimes women have to wait weeks before
getting an appointment. This scenario forces women with a UTI to go to an overcrowded emergency department
or suffer in pain.

The uncomplicated UTI pilot in Community Pharmacy made treatment available to women in a timely fashion, in
line with the Australian Therapeutic guidelines, the same guidelines followed by doctors.

Media Contact

Jeff Popp

0438 153 857

Page last updated on: 17 May 2022