Looking to bag a pharmacy internship? Check out the Pharmacy Careers Summit 2024!

7 June 2024

The Guild

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is thrilled to continue as the Platinum Sponsor of the Pharmacy Careers Summit 2024 (PCS24), hosted by Raven's Recruitment.

This fully virtual event is a great opportunity for university students studying pharmacy to explore the diverse and dynamic career paths available within the industry; particularly if you live in a rural or regional area and attending an in-person conference isn’t an option for you.

PCS24 promises an engaging lineup, starting with Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Guild's national president, Professor Trent Twomey. The Guild will also be presenting sessions on the future of pharmacy with the Leaders Panel, exploring new horizons in community pharmacy, and discovering pathways for internationally-qualified pharmacists considering a career in Australia.

If you’re looking to secure a pharmacy internship, this is the event to attend, as almost every pharmacy banner group in the industry will be advertising their intern positions at the event!

Launched in 2023, the inaugural summit was a resounding success, attracting over 1,200 attendees and winning Best Summit at the global Eventeer Awards 2024. PCS24 aims to build on this success with over 40 industry, business, and motivational speakers dedicated to your career development and advancement.

As a virtual event, PCS24 provides a cutting-edge, immersive experience accessible to everyone, no matter where you are. Best of all, it’s free to attend! Join us at PCS24 and take the first step towards your career in pharmacy.

Register Here

Page last updated on: 12 June 2024