
Forefront is a monthly e-newsletter from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

Subscription to Forefront is free and – while content is produced with Guild members in mind as the primary audience – open to anyone interested in news and current events relating to community pharmacy in Australia.

Just as community pharmacists are at the forefront of primary health care in the Australian community, Forefront aims to provide up-to-date, relevant and valuable content to subscribers.

Subscribers will receive monthly email summaries that link to more in-depth content on the Guild website. These summaries aim to provide a quick and convenient snapshot of news, which provides value to the reader even if they do not have time to view the expanded content.


Subscribe now to receive Forefront in your inbox each month.

Forefront | 12 Jun 2024

Forefront | 15 May 2024


Page last updated on: 22 September 2023