COVID-19 Pharmacy Services

Telehealth Prescriptions

Electronic prescribing is now widely available in Australia and provides an option for supporting telehealth consultations and enabling supply of medicines with doctors, nurses and mental health professionals able to deliver services via telehealth via phone or video conferencing.

  • Image-based prescribing ceased on 31 March 2022 for community patients with limited image-based prescribing activities permitted for prescriptions written for hospital patients until 31 March 2023.
  • On 1 January 2022, expanded telehealth services became an ongoing part of Medicare.

Fact Sheets for pharmacists, prescribers and consumers have been produced by the Commonwealth, and the Guild has updated its FAQ document to assist members.

Telehealth Prescriptions - FAQs

The Guild’s COVID-19 – Home Delivery of Medicine guide complements existing pharmacy policies and procedures that meet quality care accreditation requirements, and informs the development and implementation of your pharmacy’s COVID-19 home delivery service.

COVID-19 - Home Delivery of Medicine Guide


The Guild's COVID-19 - Home Medicines Delivery Services FAQs contains generic information relating to home medicine delivery services, including information concerning the Australia Post home delivery service.

COVID-19 - Home Medicines Delivery Service FAQs

The Guild’s COVID-19 – Community Pharmacy Aged Care Services guide provides guidance for those community pharmacies servicing a Residential Aged Care facility (RACF) during the COVID-19 measures and to support a community pharmacy’s risk management practices. It is intended as a guide only and should be used in conjunction with the arrangements that the contracted pharmacy and facility have made in relation to supporting and complying with the COVID-19 measures and the official government advice.

COVID-19 - Community Pharmacy Aged Care Services guide

The Guild’s COVID-19 Managing Vaccinations in Community Pharmacies provides guidance for those community pharmacies providing vaccination services during the COVID-19 measures and to support a community pharmacy’s risk management practices.

COVID-19 Managing Vaccinations in Community Pharmacies

Certificate for Absence from Work is a form of evidence used to confirm that an employee is unable to attend work either due to illness, injury, or having to care for family or a household member. Other forms of evidence are medical certificates and statutory declarations. It is deemed within a registered pharmacist’s scope of practice to issue a Certificate for Absence from Work, provided they are acting within their competency and professional expertise as a pharmacist.

Absence from Work Certificates