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Digital Health

Digital Health Member Research

Expression of Interest

The Guild is partnering with ORIMA Research to assess the impacts of digital health on community pharmacies in order to better understand member needs.

Express your interest

This Digital Health Hub is designed to support Guild members in accessing authoritative information and guidance on community pharmacy-related digital health initiatives and opportunities.

Digital Health is the transfer of health resources and health care by electronically connecting the points of care so that health information can be shared securely and pivotal healthcare providers including community pharmacies want secure digital services that will provide real-time access to a patient’s information - especially in an emergency to support better management of disease and chronic conditions, and the development of new medicines and treatments - they want technology to reduce their administrative burden so that they can spend more time with patients.

My Health Record

My Health Record

Real Time Prescription Monitoring

Real Time Prescription Monitoring

Electronic Prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions

Electronic Medication Management

Electronic Medication Management

Secure Messaging

Secure Messaging





Community Pharmacy and Digital Health

Community pharmacy in Australia leads the way in its willingness to embrace digital health and adopt innovative technologies and strategies in its mission to offer the highest standard of pharmacy and health care services.

Whether those innovations are technological, systematic or strategic in nature, the Guild is developing the necessary infrastructure and culture to implement innovation efficiently across the community pharmacy network and in such a way as to deliver significant benefits to the public.

The Guild has identified and prioritised its digital health strategy for community pharmacies through its Agreement with the Australian Digital Health Agency and via its major strategic planning project, Framework for Change.

See more Framework for Change

The Australian Digital Health Agency leads the development and implementation of the National Digital Health Strategy. The Strategy was developed through extensive consultation with the Australian community and comprehensive analysis of the evidence.

Access the National Digital Health Strategy

Digital Health Strategy

Pharmacy businesses enter into commercial arrangements with a range of suppliers, vendors and other stakeholders, including banner group member and franchise agreements, first and second line supply agreements and technology/software platform subscription agreements.  In all these arrangements, the third party is usually provided with some access to the pharmacy’s POS and dispense systems.

Key Considerations

Page last updated on: 04 April 2024