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Community Health Hub

Enable other health professionals to provide patient services making community pharmacy a health hub.

Rural, Regional and Remote Health

Rural, Regional and Remote Health

The standard of health care for rural areas should be equal to the standards available in metropolitan areas. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (the Guild) is guided by the principle that all Australians have a right to equity and access to community pharmacy services.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Access to high-quality, culturally safe pharmacy services is essential in addressing health disparities and supporting the health and wellbeing of Indigenous communities.

Workplace Relations

Workplace Relations

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia provides a range of workplace relations services to partner with members as a benefit of membership. These services include the provision of information, advice and assistance in managing a broad range of industrial relations and human resources matters.



Information, resources and advice regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Includes vaccination details, business management requirements and other important links.

Customer Experience Index

Customer Experience Index

The Customer Experience Index has been designed to provide customer experience, net promoter scores and real time feedback to promote business enhancement opportunities for Guild Members.



The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has entered into a partnership with Guy Leech Heart180 to promote the benefits of having an AED (defibrillator) located in or within a 180-second proximity of every Australian, by encouraging community pharmacies to become a known locality.

Page last updated on: 24 April 2023