6 March 2025
Fair WorkSupportEmployer Obligations and Employee Entitlements in Natural Disasters
If an employee cannot come to work
When employees are required to provide care or support to a member of their immediate family or household because of an unexpected emergency, e.g. day care/school closed due to natural disaster, full-time and part-time employees can use their accrued paid personal/carer's leave. Casual employees, and full-time and part-time employees who have exhausted their paid personal/carer's leave, can take up to two (2) days unpaid leave.
When an employee can be usefully employed but they are unable to attend work because of a natural disaster, e.g. flooding, cyclone, there is no specific paid leave in these circumstances. By mutual agreement, full-time and part-time employees can access their accrued annual leave. Otherwise, it is unpaid leave. Further guidance is available on the FWO website.
Employees who are members of a recognised emergency management body, e.g. State Emergency Service (SES), may take unpaid community service leave to deal with a natural disaster. This includes time when engaging in the activity, reasonable travelling time associated with the activity and reasonable rest time immediately following the activity. Please note, conditions apply, including notice and evidence requirements. Further guidance is available on the FWO website.
If your workplace is not operational due to a natural disaster (e.g. flooded, without power, evacuated by emergency service, etc.)
Under Section 524 of the Fair Work Act 2009 an employer can stand down an employee without pay unless an award provides otherwise (the Pharmacy Industry Award 2020 does not provide otherwise) where the employee cannot be usefully employed for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible, e.g. flooding, no electricity. Further guidance is available on the FWO website.
However, the employee's annual leave and personal/carer's leave will continue to accrue. Again, by mutual agreement, full-time and part-time employees can access their accrued annual leave. Otherwise, it is unpaid.
Please note: different arrangements may apply for pharmacy employees in the WA state industrial relations system, pharmacies should contact the WA Branch or visit the State specific information here.
If you have any questions or need advice or assistance, please contact the Guild’s Workplace Relations advisors to discuss your situation.